Intersociety releases scathing revelations on horror, abuses, violations by security operatives in South East (Pt. 1)

Nigeria’s leading human rights group, the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Intersociety) has released what has been considered as the most damning report indicting various security outfits, including officers of the Nigerian Army and the Nigeria Police Force (NPF).
The group made the revelation during the unveiling of two books which highlighted the unbridled atrocities conducted by state and non-state actors in the region once adjudged the safest in the country.
The authors include Criminologist Emeka Umeagbalasi and lawyers Chidinma Udegbunam, Chinwe Umeche, Obianuju Igboeli and Ndidiamaka Bernard.
The unveiling took place at New Haven Suite located at New Haven in Enugu on Sunday, December 22, 2024.
‘Massacred 22,500 unarmed civilians’
According to the authors, the first book, “Nigeria, Ocean of Innocent Blood Flowing in the East“, is “a catalogue of how officers and personnel of the armed forces, including Army, Air Force and Navy, the Police and the DSS, joined by the paramilitaries and the killer-Vigilantes hid under the cloak of “IPOB/ESN/Biafra terrorism” to unleash mayhem.

Nigeria, Ocean of Innocent Blood Flowing in the East
Intersociety insisted that the aforementioned state and non-state actors in the region “used “IPOB/ESN/Biafra terrorism” as a pretext to secretly massacre 22,500 unarmed civilians”.
The group further claimed that the actors also openly killed 9,800 others in the past nine years and four months, covering August 2015 to December 2024, bringing it to a total of 32,300 in the ongoing military siege and terror in eastern Nigeria.
During the said period, government-linked and non-government-linked armed non-state actors reportedly killed 14,500 others, totaling 46,800 in all, the report stated.
The second book, “Human Right Made in Nigeria“, meanwhile, is a handbook on regional and international human rights and humanitarian instruments signed and ratified or domesticated by Nigeria.

Human Right Made in Nigeria, published by Intersociety
It contains constitutionally guaranteed and protected human rights provisions and democratic free speeches and expressions for all democracy and rule of law stakeholders including lawyers, rights activists, media practitioners, academicians and members of other professional bodies.
Others are members of occupational groups, members of the general population and vulnerable groups (including PWDs); corporate bodies, members of diplomatic corps.
The rest are the state actors including heads and personnel of the military, the police, the secret police, the paramilitaries, the sub-state actor vigilante groups; and the judicial, the executive and the legislative public office holders in Nigeria.
“Ocean Of Innocent Blood Flowing in the East” — Intersociety
Intersociety expatiates on the book:
“The book represents graphic, shocking and chilling account of the Nigerian military and other Security Forces (police crack squads, secret police, sub-state actor killer vigilantes and killer government taskforces) siege and terror (armed state actor conduct-atrocities) in the region since August 2015.
“It further captures the untold story of what is going on in the Region with regard to violent criminal activities by armed non-state actors including government-linked and non-government-linked armed non-state actors.”
Exposing external and internal forces
Expatiating further, Intersociety stated:
““Ocean Of Innocent Blood Flowing In The East” is fundamentally targeted at exposing external and internal forces found to have been responsible for the present war-zone situation of the South-East and the South-South regions of Eastern Nigeria.
“The “warzone” state of public and citizens’ security and safety and their properties include grisly and egregious human rights violations and abuses: mass and targeted killings and property burnings outside the law, body lacerations, abductions, disappearances, torture and other inhuman or degrading treatments or punishments and security sector duty-post corruption particularly military, police and paramilitary roadblock and barracks extortions and other atrocities by armed non-state actors.
“Many non-state actors involved are found to have been procured and clandestinely sponsored by external state actors and their conspiratorial internal state actors both armed and unarmed including some past and present public office holders within and outside Eastern Nigeria particularly in the South-East.
“Intellectually and forensically Identified in the Mother Report (“Ocean Of Innocent Blood Flowing In The East”) are two sets of “egregious crimes against defenseless persons, their properties and the society”; namely: “state actor crimes or state-actor generated insecurity and other unsafe conditions” and “non-state actor crimes or non-state actor generated insecurity and other unsafe conditions”.
“The above highlighted heinous crimes are severely punishable and effectively controllable under Nigeria’s criminal, human rights and humanitarian laws or provisions and their safeguards including the Treaty Laws and Nigeria’s Regional and International Obligations.”
Victimising the victims
According to Intersociety, research and investigative finding shows that the Nigerian Government and the country’s heads of security forces establishments hardly pay attention to the perpetuation of the “state actor crimes” and their perpetrators, aiders and abettors.
“The country’s security chiefs are also found to have cultivated the habit of incorrigibility and impunity as they hardly hold their subordinates accountable for their ‘line-of-duty conduct-atrocities’,” said the organisation.
Human Rights Made in Nigeria
On the second book, Intersociety relates: “The “Human Rights Made in Nigeria” is a compilation of relevant and available local, regional and international human rights, humanitarian and universal human rights and rule of law compliant legal provisions.
“[It] safeguards regulating the lawful and unlawful conducts and activities of armed citizens in Nigeria or any part thereof including armed state actors and armed non-state actors and their commanders or leaders, aiders and abettors.”
“The two special international reports are built on documented reports dating back to 2015 or before then; compilation and computation of which started since middle of May 2024 (past seven months) using in-depth research and investigation skills and techniques.
“The physical and soft copies of “The Human Rights Made In Nigeria” and “Ocean of Innocent Blood Flowing In The East” are given out free of charge.
The publishers noted that they are immortally produced for the present active and aging generations, generations newly born and generations yet to be born.
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