Naira exchange rate for Wednesday, April 03, 2024, in Nigeria
See the Naira exchange rate for Wednesday, April 03, 2024, below:
Date | Currency | Buying (₦) | Central (₦) | Selling (₦) |
03/04/2024 | US Dollar | 1240.00 | — | 1270.00 |
Euro | 1300.00 | — | 1370.00 | |
Pounds Sterling | 1565.00 | — | 1600.00 |
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN):
Date | Currency | Buying(NGN) | Central(NGN) | Selling(NGN) |
03/04/2024 | US Dollar | 1329.76 | 1330.26 | 1330.76 |
Pounds Sterling | 1679.6199 | 1680.2514 | 1680.883 | |
Euro | 1436.0078 | 1436.5478 | 1437.0877 | |
Swiss Franc | 1473.0918 | 1473.6457 | 1474.1996 | |
Yen | 8.7889 | 8.7922 | 8.7955 | |
CFA | 2.3142 | 2.3242 | 2.3342 | |
WAUA | 1874.348 | 1875.0527 | 1875.7575 | |
Riyal | 354.5459 | 354.6793 | 354.8126 | |
Danish Krona | 192.4901 | 192.5625 | 192.6348 | |
3/28/2024 | SDR | 1761.932 | 1762.5945 | 1763.257 |
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