Naira exchange rate for Wednesday, October 02, 2024, in Nigeria
See the Naira exchange rate for Wednesday, October 02, 2024, in Abuja and Lagos respectively below:
Date | Currency | Buying (₦) | Central (₦) | Selling (₦) |
02/10/24 | Dollar | 1670.00 | — | 1680.00 |
Euro | 1840.00 | — | 1860.00 | |
Pounds | 2240.00 | — | 2260.00 |
Date | Currency | Buying (₦) | Central (₦) | Selling (₦) |
02/10/24 | Dollar | 1685.00 | — | 1700.00 |
Euro | 1850.00 | — | 1895.00 | |
Pounds | 2245.00 | — | 2280.00 |
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN):
Date | Currency | Buying (₦) | Central (₦) | Selling (₦) |
02/10/24 | US Dollar |
1600.528 | 1601.028 | 1601.528 |
Pounds Sterling |
2142.3067 | 2142.976 | 2143.6452 | |
Euro | 1788.59 | 1789.1488 | 1789.7075 | |
Swiss Franc |
1897.0345 | 1897.6271 | 1898.2197 | |
Yen | 11.1972 | 11.2007 | 11.2042 | |
CFA | 2.6774 | 2.6874 | 2.6974 | |
WAUA | 2147.3514 | 2148.0223 | 2148.6931 | |
Riyal | 426.6368 | 426.7701 | 426.9034 | |
Danish Krona |
239.8693 | 239.9442 | 240.0192 | |
SDR | 2168.7154 | 2169.3929 | 2170.0704 |
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