US Election 2024: Donald Trump hopes to eliminate his final opponent in New Hampshire Republican primary

With a decisive win in New Hampshire on Tuesday, US former president Donald Trump hopes to eliminate his final opponent from the 2024 presidential contest and solidify his hold on the GOP.
At the last event of his Granite State primary campaign, Trump told fans in Laconia on Monday night, “Every day the Republican Party is becoming more and more unified.” “We only have two opponents left now, and one of them will probably leave tomorrow. We started with thirteen.”
Barring unforeseen circumstances, Nikki Haley’s candidacy stands in the way of the general election matchup that most Americans, according to polls, do not want to see: a rerun of Trump and President Joe Biden’s 2020 contest.
The former governor of South Carolina is firmly opposing Trump’s attempt to call off the GOP primary after just two nominating contests. On Monday, the eve of a crucial day that may determine if she can assert the justification and financial support to continue in the campaign, Haley issued a warning, claiming that Trump’s attempts to force her out of the race are incompatible with Republican principles and that America does not engage in “coronations.”
Haley refuted Trump’s remarks on Tuesday, when voting was already in progress, and she vowed to proceed to the next primary in her home state the following month. “I don’t follow his instructions. As Trump’s US ambassador to the UN, Haley said, “I’ve never done what he tells me to do.”
“I’m contesting Donald Trump in this race. Furthermore, I won’t be discussing an obituary. just because you all feel that we should discuss it. Haley declared, “I’m going to talk about saving this country and running the tape.”
The results of the country’s first primary will have a significant impact on the options available to voters in November’s general election.
— Haley’s best chance to defeat Trump early and halt what appears to be his inexorable march toward the nomination, which would complete his remaking of the GOP in his image, is in New Hampshire.
The race will also determine if the former governor of South Carolina can realistically continue her campaign through her home state next month and beyond, as well as whether she can persuade large-scale backers to support her.
— The Democratic National Committee’s rearranging of the party’s election schedule has caused a disagreement with the state, which is why Biden’s name will not appear on the ballot on Tuesday and no delegates will be given out. However, there is a formalized attempt to write the president’s name in ballots, serving as an informal barometer of public sentiment. Representative Dean Phillips of Minnesota is running for president, although he hasn’t launched a national campaign yet.
A hectic seven days in New Hampshire
Following Trump’s overwhelming victory with more over 50% of the vote in the Iowa caucuses last week, voters started casting ballots.
After Florida Governor Ron DeSantis withdrew on Sunday, the race is now between the former president and his former ambassador to the UN. Haley has been trying to take advantage of Trump’s error in conflating her with former Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She claims that neither 81-year-old Biden nor her 77-year-old GOP opponent are intelligent enough to hold office for two terms.
However, Haley’s efforts to collect momentum have been put to the test by Trump, who has secured the support of previous GOP contenders DeSantis, Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota, and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy. On Monday night, the latter three showed up in person to campaign alongside Trump in Laconia. Additionally, Scott and Burgum increased their pressure on Haley to withdraw from the race. The governor of North Dakota declared, “We can end this primary tomorrow in New Hampshire with a fantastic win.” “Let me hear you scream if you want the race to end tomorrow,” Scott continued.
Additionally, on Saturday night, the former president took a powerful group of state leaders from South Carolina to Manchester in an attempt to persuade Haley to drop out of the contest so that he would be the front-runner and the winner in February.
A Clear decision
Participants in the primary are presented with an obvious option.
Trump presents an image of a country besieged by an increase in crime, immigration, and economic ruin. Whether true or not, this message appeals to Republican voters who are troubled by the situation at the southern border, who are facing increased costs and interest rates, and who believe that their lives were better off during his presidency.
There is more darkness in Trump’s rhetoric. At a rally on Saturday night, thousands of followers applauded as he falsely claimed that there was electoral fraud in 2020, called the people found guilty of the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol “hostages,” and claimed that his numerous legal troubles were proof of political persecution. In a preview of his potentially explosive second term, he contended that presidents should be exempt from prosecution. On election eve in Laconia, Trump reiterated his accusation that he was duped out of office in 2020, pointing out that he would have been finishing out his term in government if he had won a second term.
Haley is cautious about upsetting Republicans who continue to support Trump. She’s talking exclusively about his anomalous reign and the way the election was attacked, calling it “chaos” that “rightly or wrongly” trailed the former president. She is appealing mostly to independents who can enter the GOP primary in New Hampshire and is urging voters to make a generational shift. She claims that Republicans are fed up with losing and that Biden would most likely beat Trump in November’s general election.
Haley declared, “We ought to aim to win over the majority of Americans.” “But electing a new generation of conservative leaders is the only way we’re going to accomplish that.” According to certain polls, Haley easily defeated Biden in November. Her claims that Trump is an obvious loser in the general election have been muddied, though, by the president’s precarious political position. In reality, the former president has prevailed in numerous crucial swing states when Trump and Biden have faced off in hypothetical matches.
The former governor of South Carolina delivered her final remarks on Monday night in Salem, New Hampshire, at a brand-new hotel situated in a posh shopping center in the suburbs. She gave a hint about the kind of moderate to occasionally wealthy people she hopes to win over. However, the less conservative and college-educated people she does well with do not represent the majority of Republicans, even in the Granite State, where the electorate is more moderate than in many later primary states. She must thus eliminate independent voters in order to advance.
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