“When Wind Blows”: When politics is run by obsolete and weak minds

Politics is the only serious subject that men think themselves qualified to act upon without any previous education or instruction whatsoever. Frankly, our dear nation is infested with so many of these misplaced identities.
They are esteemed high in the society and respected greatly, but because their memory is too short, their experience too long, breath too short, eyesight dim and their bank accounts so fat and busty they remain within our development structure, posing as stepping atones while they are but stumbling blocks to our liberation and success as a united and prosperous people.
Most of these old timers, as often been described, thinks all is lost because they are not at the helm of running things. They become unnecessarily obstinate and display their strength of weak mindedness.
Criticism becomes the order of the day. A closer study of these people shows that they are only happy when they are wrong. Notice – you will never see a dramatic critic in the day time. Of course they come out only after dark, up to no good.
Former President Olusegun Obasanjo is very correct when he said our problem is that we have self-centered leaders. But I put it to him that he is a culprit of his revelation.
If not, how does Obasanjo explain the abandonment of our National Library Headquarters building here in Abuja close to the National Mosque, but Obasanjo has a presidential library of his own?
Obasanjo should tell Nigerians and the whole world, what he did with the NEPAD proposal my late boss, Prof. Brimmy Abraham A. Olaghere gave him.
The NEPAD proposal given to Obasanjo was New Economic Partnership for Africa’s Development. That came with a 100 years development master plan for Africa, and a 10 years development master plan for Nigeria.
Prof. Brimmy, for those who may not know or never hear his name, was the brain behind the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) we have today. He was the brain behind the Africa’s Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) 1234 to 5. A legislation he pulled through in the United States of America, allowing Africa’s agricultural products into America duty free.
He was also the brain behind the Africa’s Development Bank (ADB) as we originally know it, but now, AfDB which the Professor told me as his media aide, he is not very comfortable with the letter f, being added to the acronym; that he sensed France trying to creep in.
Prof. has his network of partners with their hundreds of billions of Dollars to power the economic partnership, but Obasanjo came up with New Partnership for Africa’s Development. When the network of partners could not see the economic aspect of it, they backed out.
One of the numerous projects the original NEPAD would have embarked on and completed since, because it was very close to Olaghere’s mind was, the dredging of River Niger and River Benue, which would have make it possible for ship to duck in Lokoja, that alone, aside the economic benefits, it would have taken care of the annual flooding we witness now, if not 100% but about 80%.
Alhaji Bamanga Tukur was the pioneer Chairman of NEPAD Group. Someone who knows him can draw his attention to this, he may have idea of what I am saying here.
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